Adding Value to the Geophysics Community

SJ Geophysics’ focus on providing leading edge technology has lead to the creation of a powerful Research and Development team. Our company’s R&D team brings together experts in mathematics, hardware engineering, and computer science with expertise in a variety of computer languages such as Python, Java, Fortran, C, C++, shell scripts.

Empowering clients with geophysical tech solutions

Our strong R&D team has focused not only on developing solutions for our company to improve our services, but has also acted as an external consultant to third parties. As a result, we are providing custom technical and programming solutions to clients, according to their objectives and requirements.

In order to accelerate our technological development, two of our main projects, the Volterra System and the Parallelization of the UBC-GIF code, have been accomplished through funding from the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). The sponsorship from IRAP supported our projects and acknowledged the significance of our contribution to the geophysical industry while ensuring that our company achieves its objectives.

SJ Geophysics is an open source oriented company that promotes flexibility and customization in our approach. Established on top of Ubuntu’s Linux operating system, we operate and contribute to various open source packages such as E-Group, LibreOffice, Paraview, MayaVI, QGIS and GRASS. For unique geophysics requirements, we internally develop software solutions using the Python programming language.

Innovative Technology

Our approach to research and development

In-house development

Striving for unparalleled data quality, SJ Geophysics continues to evolve data acquisition approaches. Backed by a talented R&D department, we develop state-of-the-art hardware and advanced signal processing algorithms. By embracing new technology, the company adapts to changes in order to provide our clients with enhanced results and improved efficiencies.


We believe in the positive contribution each person brings to our innovation projects. Our team embraces scientific breakthroughs and uses them as inspiration for technological development. SJ Geophysics takes innovations in geophysics research and provides practical applications for the exploration community. Our passion for creating geoscience technology drives our constant geophysical advancements.

Investment in research

Our Research and Development department draws on specialists in electrical engineering, computer science, physics, geology, and geophysics. Our team works together to create cutting-edge technology in both hardware and software. SJ Geophysics is committed to reinvesting profits into research that pushes the geophysical exploration industry forward. Our research focuses on addressing the limitations of commercial systems and developing solutions which provide better data acquisition techniques.

Research Highlights

Backed up by years of experience and active involvement, SJ Geophysics has provided value to the geophysical community through its contributions in two important areas: software and hardware.

Software Development

Parallelization of UBC-GIF Code

A significant achievement that initiated 3D acquisition configurations and the ability to deliver superior 3D inverted models.

Development of CSProc

the underlying signal processing algorithms behind the Volterra Acquisition System. The package takes full waveform data and reduces the data to their processed geophysical attributes. We have the ability to alter filters to fit the regional conditions, therefore improving the noise to signal ratio of the data.

Development of JavIP

A quality assurance and data management package that managed 2D and 3D configurations. This provided significantly improved QC tools to our operators.

Hardware Development

Creation of the Volterra System

A leading-edge distributed acquisition system. The Volterra Acquisition system acquires the full-waveform from a multitude of sensors and then processes the data externally to obtain the geophysical attributes. This allows the Volterra Acquisition system to acquire data from various surveys such as DC Resistivity, Induced Polarization, Electromagnetics, Magnetotellurics and others. A modified version is available to make measurements within a hole.

Manufacturing of Transmitters

A lightweight, portable transmitter for EM. The unit is currently being modified to be used for IP, running at 50% or 100% duty cycle.

Employment of Current Monitors

Integration of the Volterra Acquisition unit with a toroidal current sensor to measure our transmitter waveforms. The signal is then integrated into our processing routines. The result is enhanced timing and alignment of the waveforms, leading to the improvement in the signal to noise ratio.

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30+ Years of Experience

Founded in 1989, the company focused on EM data acquisition and has since evolved into a leader in IP, EM, and Borehole hardware design and data acquisition. This has given SJ Geophysics a wide breadth of experience with both commercial geophysical systems and modern full-waveform distributed acquisition systems. A significant turning point for the company was the development of a parallelized version of the UBC DCIP 3D inversion code. This achievement allowed the company to create 3D IP data acquisition methods. With almost three decades of experience globally, across all physiographic regions, SJ Geophysics has the geophysical experience needed to drive exploration projects forward.